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My Experiments with Half-truths

Adventures of an IIMB Alumnus
Rajendra Nargundkar
Type: Print Book
Genre: Humor
Language: English
Price: ₹346

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My Experiments with Half-truths is an autobiography written in a humourous and light-hearted style. It traces the years the author spent at Hyderabad Public School, Osmania engineering college, IIM Bangalore, and his later years as a marketing professor at IIML, IIMK, and various other B schools. Ranging over a 48 year lifespan, his interests and this take on various things in life including education, travel, and life itself make for an engaging and entertaining read for anyone who is old enough to read. The chapter about IIMB contains some vintage photographs as well. There are some travel related chapters, and a list of top tens to round it off. Some reflections on relationships, memorable tussles between government and autonomous B-schools also make an appearance, sometimes unconventionally, along the way.

About the Author

Currently Director of IMT Nagpur, Dr. Rajendra Nargundkar has taught in leading Indian business schools, like IIML and IIMK and in U.S. universities. He has trained over 1000 executives at Kirloskar Institute, IIM Lucknow and IIM Kozhikode, PESIT and IFIM. Some prestigious academic journals like the Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Global Marketing have published his research papers. He has also trained several B school faculty and Ph.D. scholars in research and teaching methodology.

A marketing professor for most of his career, Rajendra Nargundkar has written three major text books on Marketing Research, International Marketing and Services Marketing. He is currently working on a fourth book on Brand Management. After his MBA in marketing at IIM Bangalore, Dr. Nargundkar worked in advertising and marketing research companies before leaving to get a Ph.D. at Clemson University, USA. His bachelor’s degree was in Electrical Engineering from Osmania University....

Book Details

ISBN: 9788192481586
Number of Pages: 190
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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