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Daring to be Different: Stories and Tips from a Woman Leader in Tech

Raji Rajagopalan
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹309 + shipping
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This life was not supposed to be hers. No one that saw Raji Rajagopalan as a scrawny six-year-old motherless child living in a cramped flat would have thought that she'd one day become a leader at a top software company. Too many things were stacked against her. How did she get here? What does it take for a woman of color with a turbulent life to lead in the technology industry?

How can YOU build a spectacular career for yourself, despite whatever challenges you are facing?

In this book, Rajagopalan gives you her firsthand account of exactly that. She shares her stories of growing up with biases and becoming a leader in tech. She also shares her career lessons and practical tips, including how to calm your meeting jitters, how to deal with difficult people, how to make good career decisions, how to storytell at work, and why you should be more audacious in your career.

Today Rajagopalan is a first-generation immigrant in America and a woman of color in technology. She has run teams of engineers across continents and built successful products despite being a ‘misfit’ in most corporate rooms. But she didn’t start there. Success is possible no matter where you’re from. With the right pointers and practices, we have it within us to dream big and lead fabulous lives.

About the Author

In her day job, Raji Rajagopalan is a Partner Director of Software Engineering at Microsoft. Her journey in tech started two decades ago, working for a firmware company in Canada. Her work has spanned building startups, growing global teams, and creating products used by more than a billion customers. She has worked with over fifty entrepreneurs to bootstrap their own social enterprises. As a leader, her mission is to build diverse, innovative teams that do outstanding work, where every employee feels like they belong and can make a difference in their own lives and in the world.

Raji mentors young professionals and sponsors many Diversity and Inclusion efforts in her organization. She has run large teams of software engineers across five countries and four continents. She is often called an inspiration and a role model to underrepresented professionals and immigrants, especially women of color. She is regularly invited to speak at conferences globally on topics ranging from technology to women's issues to career progression.

Raji has published her writing in magazines such as Herizons, India Currents, and Khabar, and she is a regular writer on her blog. In her spare time, Raji loves traveling, photography, and books. You can learn more about her on her website

Book Details

Number of Pages: 190
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Daring to be Different: Stories and Tips from a Woman Leader in Tech

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