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Inspire Me

A Collection of Poems
Rakesh Kumar Verma
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹300 + shipping
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This collection of poems is a shining jewel in the crown of the poet, Rakesh Kumar Verma who is also an artist whose expression in the form of poems and arts represents the modern life and the ray of hope for humanity. His poems have deep impact on the mind of the readers. The original theme of this book is to inspire the people in all phases of life, whether it is the love, or job, or the true senses of life. Book stands as a real fellow in supporting the emotional and extra-temperamental situation of human, whenever they require. The readers can easily connect his poem to their life.

This collection of poems is divided into six sections, namely, Section: A “Guidance & Inspiration for Success in Job”, which is a good collection of poems which will inspire the readers to excel in their life. The poet...

About the Author

He is a highly qualified engineer. He is passionate about poetry writing both in English and Hindi language, with the spices of pencil and line sketches to represent and raise the issues of society. Currently, He is working with two organizations ‘Sahitya Samhita’ ( & ‘Line Says’ ( as a chief editor, which are the places for talents and creators. His work in the field of poetry and sketching is appreciated all around the world. His way of expression has always being a subject of gossip among readers. First prize winner in college level painting competition called ‘Management Ganesha-2010’.

He has been writing book reviews and commentaries on different topics related to love, life, success, education and motivation. He is one of the founder members of Track2training organization, working as a talent-hunt organization for exploring the talent in the field of education. He has been delivering motivational speeches...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781511773133
Publisher: EduPedia Publications Pvt Ltd
Number of Pages: 54
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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