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Cartesian Vectors and Tensors

Ram Bilas Misra
Type: Print Book
Genre: Mathematics
Language: English
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The material in the book covers the topics needed for a course in Cartesian Vectors and Tensors with applications to Geometry and Theory of Relativity. The subject matter is presented here in six chapters of which the first one deals with the vector algebra. Derivation of vector-valued functions is considered in Chapter 2. The Chapter 3 briefly mentions about the vectors in electric and magnetic fields. The next two chapters are devoted to the detailed discussion of Cartesian Tensors. Chapter 5 includes the Tensors in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The last chapter presents a brief introduction of Theory of Relativity. For more details, please visit

About the Author

Prof. Dr. Ram Bilas Misra, a former Vice-Chancellor of Avadh University, Faizabad (Ayodhya), India, has a long experience of teaching the subject since 1962 at different universities in India and abroad. He published 64 original research papers in Diff. Geom. of Finslerian
Manifolds and Mathematical Physics in the leading research journals of international repute. As a regular reviewer, he published reviews of over 100 research papers in “Mathl. Reviews” and “Zentralblatt für Mathematik”. He has been frequently quoted both at home and abroad; notably, in the research monographs “Foundations of Finsler Geometry and Special Finsler Spaces” by Prof. Makoto Matsumoto of Kyoto Univ., Japan and “Finsler Geometry, Relativity and Gauge Theories” by Prof. G.S. Asanov of Moscow State Univ., Russia.
Prof. Misra is widely travelled and experienced academician. He has been a frequent visitor to the universities at Turin, Padua and ICTP, Trieste (all in Italy) and a visiting professor to...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781925823820
Publisher: Central West Publishing, Australia
Number of Pages: 128
Dimensions: 5.98"x9.02"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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