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The British are coming

Adventures of Amilee the British spy
Ramesh A. Bakshi
Type: Print Book
Genre: Mystery & Crime
Language: English
Price: ₹594

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Amilee is a young, vivacious and pretty Nuclear Physicist from Manchester.
She is very adventurous and grabs the job with British Intelligence when offered. Azim helps her become an expert hacker. Her unusual talents take her to India, Pakistan and few other countries as a British secret service agent. She ends up in Namibia, where she lives for a long time and comes in close contact with Michel and his wife, Mai, whom she
meets while roaming in the Kalahari Desert. She even becomes Michel’s second wife to fulfill a difficult assignment. She adores Mai, but ........
At last she succeeds in decoding passwords that control weapons of mass destruction of both countries. Now her ambition is to use her knowledge to get the British back to the Indian sub-continent and reestablish the old British Raj in its old glory. Does she succeed? Are the British really back?

About the Author

About the Author.

RAMESH A. BAKSHI is a Chemical Engineer by profession with a bachelor’s from Mumbai and a Master’s from University of Wisconsin in Madison.
He is married and has one daughter and two sons. He lives with his wife and ninety-eight year old mother in Mumbai, India.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789351263685
Publisher: Ramesh A. Bakshi
Number of Pages: 334
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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