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(1 Review)
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹286 + shipping
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r2i or 'Return to India' is formally defined as the persistent, insistent voice that pops up in an Indian immigrant's head as he or she settles into a life in a foreign land. This book explores the journey of three Indian immigrants as they make the journey to America, build memories along the way and wrestle with the eternal question facing those away from home -- are we here to stay or is there a road that leads back to where we came from?

About the Authors

Parth Pandya

Parth is a man of many passions and has a deep love for the written word. He enjoys conjuring stories and poems to paint a picture of the world around him. In between being a passionate cricket fan, self-confessed Hindi movie geek and an avid quizzer, he works in a software firm in the Pacific Northwest in the US where he lives with his wife and two young sons.

Ramya Sethuraman

Ramya is a mom of two girls foremost; her other avatars include being an engineer, author, dancer and an r2i-thinker, supported in all these adventures by her ever-patient husband. She lives in mini-India in the bay area and is currently doing her doctorate on Indian immigrant life in the US.

Subhashini Srinivasan

A software engineer by profession, Subhashini enjoys writing, traveling and music. Currently, she devotes her engineering skills towards building software for a NGO and lives in Bangalore with her husband and two sons.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 308
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

r2i dreams

r2i dreams

(4.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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heenamg13 10 years, 3 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: r2i dreams

r2i dreams is a very interesting and a thought provoking book. It's a genuine effort made by all the three authors who share their real time experiences while addressing the dilemma faced by all the immigrants of India. To me, it's a one time must read book, especially for the ones whose near and dear ones are settled abroad.

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