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Unleash Your Inner Avatar

Ramya Vaidhyanathan
Type: Print Book
Genre: Social Science, Drama/Play
Language: English
Price: ₹257
Price: ₹257
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A heart-wrenching tale of grit, determination, and perseverance set against the backdrop of Vidarbha farmers in Maharashtra! Baburao and his family own a 5-acre land and grow cotton. They find themselves in a spiraling debt trap with the advent of BT cotton seeds. Baburao finds himself in dire circumstances due to rising debt. Frustrated by his inability to come out of debt and faced with the inevitable option of losing his land, he commits suicide. The story traces the life of his son Aakash, who stands like a phoenix against all odds.

Aakash bravely faces the vagaries of life and turns their lives around. In his quest for happiness, Aakash finds his purpose in life. The effervescent, joyful state was not a one-stop destination. It was the journey. He knew he had to be happy now.

Abject poverty strengthened his resolve to complete his education at all...

About the Author


Ramya Vaidhyanathan is a poet, an Art of Living volunteer, yoga enthusiast, and a professional with two decades of corporate experience. She has donned many roles in senior positions in the capital market and IT domains. She is currently working with India’s #1 IT consultancy firm.
She loves to teach children and volunteers in schools. You can find her growing plants in her home garden or meditating in her spare time. The writing bug had bitten her since her school days and she would entertain all with her poems.
Knowing the power of the pen she wanted to spread awareness about mental health and wellbeing. This gave birth to her debut novel, “Unleash your Inner Avatar”.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637543450
Number of Pages: 215
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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