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Looking Glass

Reflections in Verse
Rangehbok Lyngwa
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹125 + shipping
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The function of poetry like painting or any work of art lies simply not only in the manifestation of creativity but in also educating the reader about the social, emotional, physical and spiritual states that influences it. 'Looking Glass- Reflections in verse' as the title suggest brings forth to the reader a picture of life in its truest forms.The picture of decay,crime,pollution, corruption, death etc portrayed serves to expose the concept of a modern lifestyle that prides itself on advancement and technology, while concealing the moral degradation that results in a compromised way of life. The book represents pictures displayed in the gallery of everyday life where versified thoughts recollected in a state of turmoil are presented to the reader, to awaken their rational minds to the kind of world we live in. The poems in the book also serve as constant reminders that the world ticks away, waiting...

About the Author

Although a Lecturer in a Technical institution, the poet shares an intense love for writing and music both as a performer and composer. Aspiring to represent life through words and music has always been the ultimate objective. That the best things in life are free is the poet's endorsed ideology while finding his muse in his most prized possession - his family.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781634157261
Publisher: Self Published
Number of Pages: 60
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Saddle Stitched)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Looking Glass

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