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Type: Print Book
Genre: Politics & Society, History
Language: English
Price: ₹599
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The book describes a series of conversations between two very close friends, Bijan and Rakura, who are also close neighbors. The Corona pandemic provided the perfect background and time for holding these long meetings. Rakura is an avid history and nature lover. He has always been a seeker of truth about the history of man and a worshipper of nature in its most pristine form. These two emotions drove him through all his discussions with Bijan, during the pandemic period. Since the history of humans is, to a large extent, shaped by politics, this aspect has also figured prominently from time to time in their conversations. India and the USA, two great democracies in the world, provided the perfect backdrops and examples for their discussion, extending from nature to history to politics. The political scenario in the present world made Rakura to believe that a confrontation between the democratic...

About the Author

Rakura is not an author in the traditional sense. An engineer by profession, he is just an ordinary citizen of the world, who is always interested in the well-being and prosperity of everybody under the sun. A resident of Kolkata, he shares all the traits and peculiarities of an average Bengali. He is a thinker, in his own way. Although an engineer, he is deeply passionate about history, politics and nature. His closest friend is Bijan, with whom he discusses many topics, concerning India and the world at large. The book ‘The Global Man’ gives a glimpse of the detailed discussion the two friends had during the entire Corona pandemic. The book should not be considered as a rigorous academic piece of work, but rather as a chronicle, aimed at capturing the understanding and perception of an ordinary and average global citizen, as he is, about many different topics,...

Book Details

ISBN: 9798728196433
Number of Pages: 254
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Global Man

The Global Man

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