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Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1

Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1

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riyer02 5 years, 5 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1

You can read fair amount of feedback on the book at this blog page: <a href="https://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/p/feedback-on-my-book-autobiography-of.html">https://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/p/feedback-on-my-book-autobiography-of.html</a>.

An example of the feedback on that page:
A former Wang ITRC (International Telecommunications Research Centre), Brussels, Belgium employee that I have got recently re-connected to on LinkedIn wrote on 3rd June 2019 (slightly edited; she was OK with public sharing):

Hey Ravi, I finally got to reading the part of your book dealing with your Belgian stay. I really liked it. It brought back a lot of memories. Even --name-snipped-- and I got mentioned! I'm happy to read that we made your stay a bit easier and that we succeeded in making you feel a bit more at home in Belgium.
--- end edited feedback ---

Note that my assignment at Wang ITRC, Brussels and stay in Belgium was in 1985-86.