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Agricultural Equipment Operations

Richard Skiba
Type: Print Book
Genre: Business & Economics, Job & Career
Language: English
Price: ₹2,710 + shipping
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This book provides comprehensive coverage of the operation of a selective range of agricultural equipment, including tractors, cultivators, windrowers, disc harrows, seeders, sprayers, combine harvesters, grain carts, balers, mowers, slashers, spreaders, and quad bikes. It offers detailed insights into the uses, key components, operating principles, preparation for operations, operational practices, safe operation, and finalizing operations of each equipment type.
The book serves as a practical guide for individuals involved in agricultural activities, such as farmers, farm workers, agricultural machinery operators, and agricultural students. It aims to enhance understanding of various agricultural equipment and provide the knowledge and skills necessary to operate the equipment effectively and safely. It caters to a broad audience in the agricultural sector, including farmers seeking guidance on safe and efficient operation of diverse agricultural equipment to boost farm productivity, farm workers aiming to enhance their proficiency in handling various machinery, agricultural machinery operators desiring to deepen...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781763525412
Publisher: After Midnight Publishing
Number of Pages: 438
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Agricultural Equipment Operations

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