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- Tæsted Pure Vegetarian & Eggless Recipes -
Type: Print Book
Genre: Coffee Table Book, Cooking
Language: English
Price: ₹399
Price: ₹399
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What to do if eating that favorite pastry/cookie/cake/pizza/ bread etc. outside gives you food guilt especially with the out- break of the Pandemic COVID-19 (at the time of writing this book) where strict instructions of staying quarantined have been passed in most countries around the world?
Here's how to deal with it ...
This book delves into the art and science of baking, some of the finest and precise eggless recipes of cookies, cakes, muffins, breads, buns, pizzas, and more… which are free from preservatives, stabilizers, bread improvers, calcium propionate, and a bunch of other harmful chemicals to make that final baked product taste and look intensely alluring.
Health scares and sensitivity to suffering plays a large part. To enjoy a good standard of anything, there is no need to use a single ingredient that has its origin in the meat, honey, and egg industry. Immense pain and suffering are being caused...

About the Authors

The book created by Kothari Parivaar is with the idea of sharing simple yet unique and eggless versions of many traditional recipes with our readers which will help them refabricate these recipes in their kitchen and not be daunted by complicated methods and fancy baking terms.
Kindly check out our blog:
for an exciting range of idiosyncratic recipes. As this book does not have a comprehensive list of all recipes, you may also request for your favorite recipes in the “Contact us” form in the blog.
Don't be disappointed if your recipe fails or does not turn out as you had expected. Baking comes with practice after going through a lot of failures and successes. If you succeed the first time, you might never understand the reason behind it. However, the more and more you bake, each step will teach you a lesson.
Be inspired, go by your instincts, and we believe...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789390274239
Number of Pages: 124
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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