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Star fish and Suckers

Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹150 + shipping
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Animals that live in the sea are called sea animals. These animals are also called marine animals. Phytoplankton and algae form the base of food webs. Most of the sea animals are breathe through gills. Sea animals are varying in size and they are microscopic to enormous. Especially the starfish belong to a large group of marine animals. Common feature for all the starfish is that their body is radially symmetrical. This book describes about starfish and suckers. Starfish are marine invertebrates. These are usually five arms and have central disc. Star fish is not fish and it have no brain or no blood. Not all starfish five arms and they do not survive in fresh water. Many varieties of starfish are there, now we are divided into edible starfish and non edible starfish. Each and every starfish are describe his scientific classification, colour , size , arms, spines, food, digestive system , circulatory system and water vascular system et., are defined it . suckers are nothing but that octopus. This octopus is also live in deep ocean. Octopus is a marine mollusk and a member of the class cephalopoda. Cephaloda means “head foot” in Greek. This creature structure is a ring of eight equally – long arms surrounded the head. They walk only their arms in sea floor. This book explains its scientific classification, colour, size, arms, food and predators etc.

Book Details

Publisher: Magic Publishers
Number of Pages: 59
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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