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Inner Arena

Sachin skarbari
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹130 + shipping
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When you think of Sachin Kar
bari, you remember speeches, presentations, literature, education, research, acting, debates - so many talents! Now, Sachin Karbari's poetry collection "Antarangada Ranga" (The Stage of the Inner Self) is being unveiled. Having published two books in his undergraduate years, this literary charioteer always has a sense of novelty about him. There is a certain excitement in his eyes. Though he looks like a young boy, his thoughts are as vast as the sky. Originally from Bhalki, he is the son of Shivashankar Karbari and Kalpana Karbari and has grown up in an agricultural family. From childhood, he has excelled in literature, presentations, speeches, and acting. Even in an era where art is often underappreciated, Sachin Karabari, whose name itself includes "Karabari" (indicating business or activity), has shown his prowess in all fields. Alongside his degree, he is also engaged in research.
Just a month ago, he published a travelogue titled "Journey from North to South."
The appreciations for his poetry collection "Antarangada Ranga" are as follows: The colorful emotions of a young poet's mind in "Antarangada Ranga" have blended like the seven colors of a clear, bright moonlight. This poet, who is a wanderer of love, affection, and tenderness, remembers his country and God, advocates for peace, promotes unity by saying that blood is the same regardless of caste, religion, or creed, and offers the mantra of tranquility. The poet's vivid village-style love ballads and his poignant discussions on tragic subjects make readers emotional. He values the love of a father's hand as much as the love from a mother's lap. His poems, filled with sensory details, take the reader on a journey.

About the Author

When you think of Sachin Kar
bari, you remember speeches, presentations, literature, education, research, acting, debates - so many talents! Now, Sachin Karbari's poetry collection "Antarangada Ranga" (The Stage of the Inner Self) is being unveiled. Having published two books in his undergraduate years, this literary charioteer always has a sense of novelty about him. There is a certain excitement in his eyes. Though he looks like a young boy, his thoughts are as vast as the sky. Originally from Bhalki, he is the son of Shivashankar Karbari and Kalpana Karbari and has grown up in an agricultural family. From childhood, he has excelled in literature, presentations, speeches, and acting. Even in an era where art is often underappreciated, Sachin Karabari, whose name itself includes "Karabari" (indicating business or activity), has shown his prowess in all fields. Alongside his degree, he is also engaged in research.
Just a month ago, he published a travelogue titled "Journey from North to South."
The appreciations for his poetry collection "Antarangada Ranga" are as follows: The colorful emotions of a young poet's mind in "Antarangada Ranga" have blended like the seven colors of a clear, bright moonlight. This poet, who is a wanderer of love, affection, and tenderness, remembers his country and God, advocates for peace, promotes unity by saying that blood is the same regardless of caste, religion, or creed, and offers the mantra of tranquility. The poet's vivid village-style love ballads and his poignant discussions on tragic subjects make readers emotional. He values the love of a father's hand as much as the love from a mother's lap. His poems, filled with sensory details, take the reader on a journey.

Book Details

Publisher: Shivalpana
Number of Pages: 84
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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