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Mama Njer's Kitanga - Tales From the Heart of Africa

Sahana Das
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Children
Language: English
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The stories are based on African, mainly East African folktales, local stories and stories of bravery of their heroes who are largely unknown to Western world and Indian subcontinent. Mama Njeri - the old Kikuyu grandmother narrates the stories to her grandchildren and their friends who are from different corners of the world. These stories are not just stories but also reflection of deep-rooted philosophy of life and cultural heritage of various African tribes.
Mama Njeri's influence in the life of these seven children is immense and one of the strongest binding factors. They discover even decades after living the continent that they have still retained a part of Africa i their heart.

About the Author

The author of the book, Sahana Das had spent her childhood in Africa. She resided in Kenya and Southern parts of Africa where her father had taught in various universities. Her childhood was spent visiting several places in the interior of these regions where she came across indigenous people whose ways of life were different from their brethren in the cities. Their lifestyle, cultures, folktales and stories of bravery left a lasting impression in the mind of the author. Many of these stories are not just some local lores, they carry deep meaning and social messages. Author wanted to portray the rich culture that existed in Africa long before the colonization and the heritage that is now almost forgotten due to the influence of Westernization. The author decided to collect some of them from the treasure trove and present in the form of the book "Mama Njeri's Kitanga -...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789387480506
Number of Pages: 92
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Mama Njer's Kitanga - Tales From the Heart of Africa

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