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Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, History
Language: Marathi
Price: ₹4,400
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I tried to present sequence wise phenomenon of Historic and Pauranik period. We learnt about our history and heard stories of Hindu puranas in our school days. Puran Kaal means very long past period vide our Hindu literature. And therefore we do not have sufficient evidences or proof about the truthness of this period. Many people are confused about Pauranik stories whether they were really happened or they are myths only. In fact most of the people feels that these stories were really happened in the past and the characters of these stories were existed in reality. I tried to combine these Pauranik, Historic period and try to compile all stories from the Big Bang upto Freedom of India. Many Mythological, Historical stories are mentioned here in this book which I learned in childhood, read from various books, heard and watch on various TV serials also. I tried to...

About the Author

I, Sandeep Raghunath Pataskar, retired from Central Government Service from Indian Navy (Defence) (Civilian). I am living in Pune. I like to read and work on history and mythology. This book I have written during September, 2006, while I was working. While in service none of my books, I could publish at that time. This book has taken about 4-5 years to complete. Before that I tried to compile all stories in sequence, which was not done earlier. Everybody knows all these stories. But it has not yet been mentioned together in one book. We read these stories separately and therefore we confused about the period of these events. I have given the list of reference Books from where I took these stories, which are mentioned in the book. Please let me know your view about the book. Thank you.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637544983
Publisher: Pothi : Self Publication
Number of Pages: 507
Dimensions: 8.27"x11.69"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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