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Consciously Fall in Love With Yourself

An Intimate Guide
Sashnee Mungroo
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
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No love is more impactful than the love you feel for yourself…
Learning to love myself didn’t come naturally. Like thousands of people around the globe, I filled my life with accomplishments, goals, milestones, people and possessions. I believed those things fed my soul. In some respect, they did. But no matter how many accolades and proclamations of love I received from outside forces, there was still something missing. It took many trials, tribulations, wins, losses and everything in between until I finally found the missing link.
It was love for me.
I knew then and there I had to brave a new path—a path to self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, improved self-esteem and self-awareness and ultimately, a feeling of being whole, enlightened, a real participant in this beautiful thing called life.
Consciously Fall in Love with Yourself: An Intimate Guide is my personal invitation to you to embark on a life-changing journey of your...

About the Author

Sashnee Mungroo, a certified Hypnotherapist, Tantra and Self-Development Coach, has been in practice for several years. In this book, she shares her knowledge, her personal journey and some of her clients' stories to inspire others to transform their lives and live a life filled with love, joy and happiness—a life where ‘okay’ isn’t good enough!
Follow her @ sashneemungroo

Book Details

ISBN: 9782048848226
Number of Pages: 196
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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