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The Visitor

A Near-death Covid Experience Taught One Man Faith, Prayer, Love, and Charity are God’s Remedies to Survive and Thrive
Sean Kelley
Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Biographies & Memoirs
Language: English
Price: ₹400
Price: ₹400
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Sean Kelley, a healthy father, husband, and business owner, contracted COVID. Like so many, Sean assumed a week off work was the remedy. Sean didn’t realize he was in a fight for his life and would perish alone unless he trusted in others. How did Sean’s wife save his life? With all the disinformation about treating COVID: Could Sean trust the hospitals? Who was the unexpected visitor to bring him back to life? In The Visitor, join Sean in his battle for survival as he takes you on a journey that shows God’s truth. The author believes that your learning from his experiences will help you overcome your darkest times!

About the Author

After leaving US Army Special Operations as a Non-Commissioned Officer, Sean Kelley applied those leadership principles to automotive management, and successfully led car dealerships for over a decade. After recently surviving severe covid pneumonia, Sean’s most recently published book The Visitor is being sold in multiple countries and published in several languages. The non-profit Sean launched, Cards for COVID,, supports hundreds of medical professionals and COVID patients in multiple States. Sean’s passion for people development and ability to coach led him to grow from General Sales Manager to Chief Business Development Officer of a multi-million-dollar CRM software company. Now, as CEO of Car Motivators, and founder of Market Motivators, Sean and his team works with dozens of car dealerships, technology companies, fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and hundreds of coaching clients across the country to help them achieve their biggest goals. Sean’s helps his clients grow with a no...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637544082
Publisher: En Route Books and Media, LLC
Number of Pages: 191
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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