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Participatory Planning in Plan Preparation

A Case of Delhi
Shashikant Nishant Sharma
Type: Print Book
Genre: Politics & Society
Language: English
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Participatory Planning in Plan Preparation
Participatory planning is very sought after concept in the domain of planning in current practices. Delhi is a very progressive city and the city planners and administrators are very active in adopting and implementing current best practices across the world. There are many practices in Delhi which is seen as a good example of participatory planning and the concerns arises when we want to replicate in other cities and towns then it becomes imperative to look in detail the process and their allied pros and cons so that a more effective model can be adapted and adopted for implementation. For Delhi also we are in the process of preparation of ‘Local Area Plan’ an initiative of Municipal Corporation of Delhi to realize the provisions of Master Plan for a planned development taking into account the existing ground realities. The thesis cum research project will be...

About the Author

Urban Planner and Consultant by profession, he is a poet and prolific writer by passion and hobby. Best Orator award in school, St. Paul District Topper in Essay Writing, Saran, Bihar. He has been writing since 2003 and got six books published in 2012. To his credit, there are two books in Hindi on poetry and four in English. Out of four two are on English poetry, one is a research paper on participatory planning and the last one is a collection of essays on current affairs and urban planning issues. He receives a ton of letters from his fans and readers across the world. Being brought up in rural area, got educated in sub-urban area and now living in metropolitan city, Delhi, he has been able to gather a lot of experiences on diverse fields especially on political, cultural, socio-economic and environmental issues. He is also a voracious...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789351046424
Publisher: SureShot POST Online Publishing
Number of Pages: 125
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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