Unleash the artist within you. Get ready to embark on a magical
journey through the realm of Pen and Ink Sketching with Shirish.
Learn to "see" shapes, shadows and textures ike an artist.
Learn various shading techniques.
Learn to sketch:
- Trees, Grass and Shrubs
- Stones and Rocks
- Animal Fur
- Wood
- Water
Let's Get, Set and Sketch!
Shirish is a self-taught artist based in a very populous city called Pune, in a very populous country called India.
Shirish has worked in the thriving IT Industry for more than two decades. But he is an artist by heart. Sketching, painting and teaching art is Shirish’s first, second and third love (not necessarily in that sequence!).
Shirish dabbles in various subjects such as landscapes, portraits, figure studies and abstracts. He works in various media like Pen & Inks, Watercolors, Oils, Acrylics and Spray Paints.
Shirish has participated in many art exhibitions, and his sketches and paintings are present in private collections in India and various other countries.
Shirish has published some very successful video courses on and, which he produces himself. These courses have helped thousands of students worldwide learn the intricacies of sketching and painting.
Shirish has such undying passion for teaching art that it...