In the vibrant depths of the ocean, there lives a curious and wise octopus named Ollie, who grew up listening to adventurous tales of exploration from his parents and grandparents. Determined to carve his own path, young Ollie convinces his family to go on an exploration voyage all alone. As he navigate the colorful coral reefs, they encounter a shark in an old, colossal ship and discovered the hidden treasure.
Along the way, Ollie learns valuable lessons from his mistakes and finds joy in helping others. He discovers the importance of honesty, teamwork, and understanding one’s environment. Ultimately, Ollie realizes that the true spirit of exploration lies not just in the discoveries made, but in the bonds forged along the way. Join Ollie on his thrilling journey through the ocean’s depths, where adventure awaits at every turn!
Shivani B. Sabharwal is an inspired storyteller whose works delve into the depths of human emotions, weaving tales that resonate with readers of all ages. With a passion for crafting relatable characters and immersive narratives, Shivani masterfully combines elements of fantasy to create stories that entertain, enlighten, and evoke deep connections.
Drawing from over 20 years of experience across various sectors and more than a decade as a dedicated educator, Shivani has a unique ability to bring vivid, imaginative worlds to life. Her teaching background allows her to create fantasy characters that not only captivate readers but also impart valuable lessons, making them relatable and inspiring problem solvers for young minds.
When not writing, Shivani enjoys reading, writing poetry, and watching movies. She firmly believes that every story holds the power to change perspectives, ignite emotions, and connect hearts across boundaries.
Osum's Ocean Odyssey: The Lost World is Shivani's current work-in-progress, promising another enchanting journey that blends adventure, fantasy, and profound life lessons.
Shivani welcomes readers to connect and share their thoughts. You can follow her journey or reach out via @shivani.bajaj.sabharwal
ISBN: 9789334172782
Number of Pages: 83
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Paperback (Perfect Binding)
In Stock (Print on Demand)