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(1 Review)

Yoga Philosophy and Practice

Bhakti, Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Kundalini (Iyengar) and Raja yogas
Shyam Mehta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹160
Price: ₹160
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This is a book about finding your life purpose, a journey towards love and happiness. The author discusses Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Yoga. He suggests that you need to choose between these (or others as you wish) in order to find fulfilment.

About the Author

Shyam Mehta, by exclusively trying to follow God's will, and by wishing to help all mankind develop love and happiness in their lives, gets constant inspiration from God. He has written hundreds of articles and over 50 books on a wide variety of subjects such as sex, love, marriage, the emotions, the mind, religion, yoga and health.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789383303175
Publisher: Pothi
Number of Pages: 56
Dimensions: 5.99"x8.98"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Saddle Stitched)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

Yoga Philosophy and Practice

Yoga Philosophy and Practice

(5.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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Shhyam Mehta 11 years, 1 month ago Verified Buyer

Re: Yoga Philosophy and Practice

I enjoyed your book very much. It is informative, historical, philosophical, and not without controversy. Here is my review. Shyam Mehta Newest addition to over fifty books to his credit...

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