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A Corporate #MeToo: Going beyond the masked faces
Sid Baliga
Type: Print Book
Genre: Romance
Language: English
Price: ₹339
Price: ₹339
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Join Sid, the author of the novella, as he narrates the chronicles of Ashitha’s journey, from a lower middle class family to a dazzling corporate life, and her struggles en route as she is torn between the emotional bliss of a college friend and the fantasy brush of a corporate boss.

IT'S OFFICIAL, STUPID reflects on the need to differentiate official from unofficial, demarcate serious from casual and distinguish intent from motives.

About the Author

The human brain is wired to learn through experiences and Sid is passionate about sharing his extensive experiences, in traveling, working on diverse assignments, and meeting people from varied backgrounds, through the medium of books, blogs, publications, and guest talks. His tryst with writing started when his teachers at St. Aloysius School, Bandra, Mumbai recognized his skill and encouraged him to develop it further and since then he has not looked back.

Sid's write-ups, on Colleges and Universities-Choosing the right fit , featured for 3 consecutive weeks, in 3-parts, in Assam Tribune, North East's highest circulated English daily. Almost a dozen articles, authored by him, on Ethical Sales, Career Management, CAT Prep were published in several business, management and academic periodicals.

Sid holds qualifications in engineering and management from MIT Manipal and IIM Kozhikode respectively but is also an educationist by heart and has deep interest in applications...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789388111751
Publisher: Self-Published
Number of Pages: 216
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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