Siddhartha Bose
Siddhartha Bose ,House No. 3-2-147, GSR's Indira Nilyam, Flat 204, Pillar 143, Hyderguda, Attapur, Hyderabad PIN 500048, Influencer, Author, and Associate Vice President of a Multinational European Bank. Presently pursuing a PhD in Management, focusing on the Indian Comics Industry and ways to promote comics culture by further exploring a better understanding of the gaps and benefits of reading in India. His voluntary consultation for strategic decision making in the industry is well appreciated. With several research papers and multiple internal conferences the attention of the world is gradually increased towards the Indian Comics Industry. His work has been indexed in Harward University e-Libeary acknowledges the effort of his objective "Let's bring Indian Comics Industry back to its glory".
Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Sarkar (Patent Guru)
Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Sarkar (8059794469), Founder (04): 1-GEH Research LLP, 2-ADBIGA Innovation LLP, 3-BS5 Innovation & Development LLP, 4-VBR Innovation LLP. 1: Post.Doc. (Singapore), PhD. (CS) (IIT), M-Tech (CS) IIT, B-Tech (CS). 2: Total no National Patent =881 (Published: 881, Granted: 208). 3: Total no of International Patent= 122 (Published: 122, Granted: 80).4: Total no of Patent Commercialized: 26 (21L+ 23L+45L+5L+50L+. =77.44 Cr.).5: 12- Patent is under Process to commercialization: (3.0Cr, 45L, 72L,-=15.87Cr.) 6: Project Completed: 2300 Cr. (International, National Level).7: Running Project under Japan Govt. = (in Group) =567.00Cr. (International) 8: Consultancy Work Completed: 12Cr. (National, International)9: Book Published: International =20, Total no of E-Book= 12, 10: Member: JCET, IJCET, IJECRT, IETE, IJLTEMAS, ISTE, SMU, IIHT, Global-R/D.11: Total no of Research Paper: International-146, National-131.12: Total no of Awards: 20 (Best -Teachers, Researcher, Speakers…),13: Workshop/Guest Lectures/Visits/Seminar (Guide, Presented) = 157-IPR- Patent, 24- NBA, 25- NAAC, 21-US- Patent, 10-Start-up India, (National, International).14. Organized – (National, International): Awards Ceremony-45, Conference-31.), 15: YouTube Channel: Views and Subscribers Increased using Algorithm /Programming. Mobile: +91, 8059794469, and 8830121996 E- Mail:,
Vandana Singh
Vandana Singh ,Total on of Patent: 226, Funded Project Under: 156 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 245Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 134 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 16, 21 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 15, 26 , Book Published: National =12, International =09 (ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=850.00Rs.
Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh
Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh, Post. Doc , Ph.D , M-Tech (CS),B-Tech(CS) ,Total on of Patent: 126, Funded Project Under: 356 Cr., Running Project Under Japan Govt.: 345Cr., Member: IETE, ISTE, GET, IJECRT -REVIEWERS , Email, Total no of Paper Published: 34 ( International/ National), Total no of Workshop Conducted, Attended: 06, 20 , Total no of Seminar Conducted ,Attended: 05, 16 ,Total no of Student Guide at ME/M-Tech=12 , Total no of Student Guide BE/ B-Tech=25, Book Published: National =02, International =01(ISBN: 978-613-9-2266-9) (Geh Press Publishing, USA) Book Prize=6850.00Rs.