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Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹400 + shipping
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Holi de Tomate is a vibrant anthology that brings together the voices of many writers from around the world, each sharing their unique perspective on holiday celebrations. This collection delves into the essence of festivals, emphasizing that the true joy of celebration lies not in the specific customs—whether it's playing with colors or tomatoes—but in the unity, laughter, and shared experiences that bring people together.
The book invites readers to explore the diverse ways in which different cultures celebrate holidays, while reminding us that the spirit of festivals is universal. Through these varied perspectives, Holi de Tomate highlights the common thread of joy that binds us all, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries. The compilers have woven together these reflections to show that the heart of any festival is not defined by its traditions, but by the happiness it brings and the connections it fosters.
Whether it's a splash of color on Holi or a toss of tomatoes in Spain, the message is clear: the true celebration is in the camaraderie and unity that these rituals inspire. Holi de Tomate is a celebration of diversity, joy, and the shared human experience that festivals encapsulate, making it a must-read for anyone who appreciates the beauty of global traditions.

About the Authors

Simran Kaur Sachar, also known as "Simranjeet" meaning unstoppable, is a passionate writer and social activist based in Uttarakhand, India. As the founder of "Ivy and Izel" House of Writing publication, her ethos reflects the spirit of "Be unique in scattering happiness within others through your own vibes." An advocate by profession, she is a staunch defender of justice, committed to serving the entire world.
Noel Lorenz is a novelist and a poet from the City of Joy, Kolkata, Bharat. He has been successfully writing haiku for over 3 years. He has a love for literature and a mind that tries to think out of the box. He has invented a few types of poetry that have been loved and written internationally — Noelo Poems and Hug Poetry are two such inventions. He is the founder of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789395067805
Publisher: Noel Lorenz House of Fiction
Number of Pages: 137
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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