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(2 Reviews)

Carbon Block Puzzle

Sirish Subash
Type: Print Book
Genre: Science & Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹249
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Carbon Block Puzzle is a straightforward and compendious way to learn the basics of climate change. Climate change is a critical issue nowadays and it’s hard to tell right from wrong. The effects of climate change are already happening. The first inklings of damage have already been done. Unless more people learn about climate change, the darkest days of climate change could come soon. That’s where Carbon Block Puzzle comes in. It educates readers on climate change and how to prevent it. Only if truth prevails will the right thing happen, and only then will humanity be safe from climate change. This book not only educates people but encourages them to do the right thing and help stop climate change, and to borrow Bill Nye’s words, “dare I say it, save the world”.Not only that, but Carbon Block Puzzle does this in a fun way, using the video game Block Puzzle. Above all, “A book is a foundation for education,” and in the case of climate change that’s exactly what we need right now.

About the Author

Sirish Subash is a gifted young student dedicated to educating others on the harmful effects of climate change and provides ways to be proactive in the quest to better the environment. He wants everyone to know they have an important role to play in the game so that changes can be made to better our planet. Whether you are one person or a big company, Sirish shares many ideas and suggestions that can have a positive impact on the carbon footprint here on Earth. When anyone plays a game, the goal is to win. With Carbon Block Puzzle there can be a positive change for our future generations here on Earth.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637540725
Publisher: Sirish Subash
Number of Pages: 102
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

Carbon Block Puzzle

Carbon Block Puzzle

(5.00 out of 5)

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2 Customer Reviews

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sgopi17 3 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer


The best book to save our future generation.
Well done keep up the good job.

1262449 3 years, 10 months ago

Gabby Oden

This book is great! I have not finished reading it yet but I can tell that it is good. This kid is 10 yrs old and he has already written a book. He goes to my mom's school and next year he will be skipping two grades and heading straight to 6th grade instead of 5th grade. My mom is an assistant principal there and she almost has her Ph.D. in mathematics, she thinks this kid will go very far. He knows what he is talking about in this book. If you want to learn about climate change pick this book.

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