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An interesting succinct work of practical significance that outlines the science of the Ved̾a. Topics include earth’s formation, atmospheric layers, rain, gravity, solar radiation and quantum entanglement. The author’s goal in this work is to foster collaboration amongst the Mi͆ma͆˙saka͆s, other Ved̾a scholars, scientists, and engineers to understand the science of Ved̾a for everyone’s benefit. This book is an excellent resource for academicians looking for new avenues of research especially considering today’s world of interdisciplinary studies. Its lucid style combined with structured presentation makes it a wonderful book for students of all ages from middle schoolers to graduate students. For the lay readers, it sheds clarity on various scientific concepts while offering a deeper understanding of the Ved̾ic rituals.
********************** Reviews ***************************
Science of Arun̻apras̰na highlights information encoded in the Mant̾ras of Arun̻apras̰na. The author developed a framework to interpret these Ved̾ic Mant̾ras in a scientific manner that was rational...
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