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Leverage your Fear of Failure & Turn into Fuel for Success, Rewire your Belief System, Learn to Trigger Action despite being Scared and Take Charge of Your Life
Som Bathla
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Philosophy
Language: English
Price: ₹299 + shipping
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Transform Your Fear of failure into Catalyst for Success, Upgrade Your Psychology to Trigger action despite being Fearful, Get Rid of Insecurities and Achieve Your Goals Faster

What if you are able to shake hands with Failure instead of trembling with fear? What if you are able to strengthen your Inner GPS to seek right guidance?

Imagine yourself taking consistent actions towards your dreams despite being scared; Imagine your mind getting calmer and offering you the best next action step.

If you think you had been dreading to take action due to fear of failure; If you have always believed failure as if an eruption of volcano; if you have always been afraid of being labelled as Failure, which is stopping you to move even an inch forward, you are about to get access to your new set of lenses to see the world differently now.

Amazon Best-Selling Author...

About the Author

Som Bathla is an Amazon bestselling author of multiple books focussing on providing effective ways for improving productivity, mastering focus, converting negative mindset into thriving one and practical strategies to take massive action towards success.
He is convinced about the limitlessness of the human potential and strongly believes that everyone has the potential of achieving more than one thinks about oneself.
Som resides in India where he spends most of his time reading, writing and enjoying time with his amazing wife and two sweet daughters. Visit to know more about his life changing book catalogue.

Book Details

Publisher: Som Bathla
Number of Pages: 155
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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