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Crossing The Digital Faultline

10 Rules Of Highly Successful Leaders In Digitalization
Sri Manchala
Type: Print Book
Genre: Business & Economics, Information Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹749
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KNOW THE NEW RULES ON THE DIGITAL FAULTLINE AND SUCCEED WITH A NEW APPROACH TO DIGITAL LEADERSHIP. For three decades, changes powered by digitalization have swept across industries, creating seismic upheavals. These Digital Faultline forces are now upending long-standing business paradigms, success models, and entire ecosystems. But despite enormous investments, fewer than 8 percent of companies worldwide have managed to cross this faultline and thrive in the new paradigm. Combining pre-and post-COVID data from 5,000+ companies and more than three decades of leadership experience in the military, and as the CEO of a technology services firm, Sri systematically deconstructs these transformational forces on the faultline. Using simple, non technical language, Sri explains the rules that govern success on the faultline and secrets that power the technology industry's unstoppable growth and encroachment of other industries. Isolating leadership as the single most important factor for success, Manchala presents a new leadership...

About the Author

SRI MANCHALA is CEO of Trianz--a highly specialized digital transformation services firm headquartered in Silicon Valley and serving leading global corporations across multiple industries. Crossing the Digital Faultline: 10 Rules Of Highly Successful Leaders In Digitalization is a synthesis of insights from multiyear Trianz research and the firm's ongoing partnerships with clients in their multiyear digital transformations.
Prior to founding Trianz, Manchala worked with KPMG's high technology practice and with Cisco Systems in Information Technology. Manchala is an alumnus of the National Defense Academy in India and served in the Special Forces in the Indian Army. He obtained an MBA in International Business and Strategy at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, where he is now on the Board of Leaders.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781735157450
Publisher: Trasers Publishing
Number of Pages: 344
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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