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Bharate Abhinno Ainer Adristo: Prasango Tin Talaq (Assessing the Fate of Uniform Civil Code in India: Context Triple Talaq)

Bharate Abhinno Ainer Adristo: Prasango Tin Talaq (Assessing the Fate of Uniform Civil Code in India: Context Triple Talaq)

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Anjali Bannerjee 6 years, 6 months ago

Re: Bharate Abhinno Ainer Adristo: Prasango Tin Talaq (Assessing the Fate of Uniform Civil Code in India: Context Triple Talaq)

I must appreciate the author's immense hard work as well as the language used. Very harsh reality is often presented sarcastically. The book probably deals with all relevant aspects of the matter of trips talaq. The author seems to have done extensive research not only in talaq procedure but also in the history of Shariati laws in India and other countries.
It will help non-bengalis too if it is translated in English and other major languages.

Subhankar C 6 years, 6 months ago

Re: Bharate Abhinno Ainer Adristo: Prasango Tin Talaq (Assessing the Fate of Uniform Civil Code in India: Context Triple Talaq)

The most comprehensive book I have read so far in this subject. The author has put history of Islamic law, deviations in different forms, as well as it's modifications around the globe especially in Muslim countries. The book depicts history of Shariati law in India till date, formation of Sharia Act, deviations from it and the political scenario at present. I must say it is the boldest articulation about the much debated topic. One will get probably all possible answers regarding the issue.