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An Illustrated Dictionary of Cricket Terms

Students’ Academy
Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language, Sports & Adventure
Language: English
Price: ₹599 + shipping
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An Illustrated Dictionary of Cricket Terms

Students’ Academy

Cricket is a sport steeped in history and tradition, boasting a rich vocabulary that is as diverse as the game itself. With more expressions and terms than any other sport, cricket can be bewildering for newcomers and seasoned fans alike. From the casual observer to the dedicated enthusiast, understanding the unique language of cricket is essential for appreciating its nuances and complexities.

While many are familiar with general terms like crease, sixer, four, bowled, bowler, batsman, and wicket-keeper, the deeper lexicon of cricket includes words and phrases that might leave even avid fans scratching their heads. Terms like asking rate, wrong 'un, doosra, and beamer often appear during matches, leaving those unacquainted with them puzzled and perplexed.

Whether you're a passionate cricket fan, a budding player, or someone who simply wants to follow along with the action without missing a beat, An Illustrated Dictionary of Cricket Terms is your ultimate guide. This dictionary is designed to demystify the language of cricket, offering clear and concise definitions for over hundreds of terms used by players, commentators, and analysts alike.

Cricket commentators and players have a knack for inventing new words and phrases that capture the evolving nature of the game. In this comprehensive dictionary, you will find not only the meanings of these terms but also fascinating insights into their origins and usage.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to enjoy the game of cricket to its fullest. With this dictionary by your side, you won't just follow the action—you'll understand it. Dive into the world of cricket terminology and never feel left out of the conversation again.

Students’ Academy

Book Details

Publisher: Raja Sharma
Number of Pages: 121
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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