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आहट अंतर्मन की

आहट अंतर्मन की HINDI KAVY KOSH
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹250 + shipping

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A mirror to today's socio - political system. Each poem says about what is happening around us. You will identify with the content immediately.All possible human emotions have been covered in this book.

Many people have complemented the poet that his poetry is as mature as that of Gulzar. He very humbly takes this as a big complement.

About the Author

Basically a film maker(EDITOR, WRITER, DIRECTOR, PRODUCER), Subhash Sehgal is a poet by passion.He is a Gold Medalist from FTII(FILM & TELEVISION INSTITUTE OF INDIA).Three of his edited films have won national awards consecutively. He has been part of many prestigious awards juries including national film awards.AAHAT ANTARMAN KI is his second poetry book.

सुभाष सहगल एक जाने माने फिल्म मेकर हैं.पूना फिल्म इंस्टिट्यूट से फिल्म संपादन का
डिप्लोमा गोल्ड मैडल के साथ हासिल करने के बाद लगभग २५० फिल्मों का संपादन कर चुके हैं
.तीन फिल्मों को राष्ट्रीय पुरुस्कार भी प्राप्त हुआ है.फिल्मफेयर अवार्ड विजेता हैं.लगभग
११ फिल्म पुरुस्कार जूरीस में बतौर मेंबर रह चुके हैं.गुलज़ार के साथ एक धारावाहिक भी बना चुके हैं
.दो फिल्मों का निर्माण/निर्देशन भी कर चुके हैं.कविता लिखना उनकी हॉबी है।

Book Details

Number of Pages: 211
Dimensions: 5.85"x8.27"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

आहट अंतर्मन की

आहट अंतर्मन की

(4.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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SUBHASHSEH 7 years, 9 months ago Verified Buyer


mirror to today's socio political system.Each poem says about what is happening around us.You will identify with the content immediately.

Many people have complemented the poet that his poetry is as mature as that of Gulzar. He very humbly takes this as a big complement.

From a farmer commuting suicide to a soldier sacrificing his life for Matribhoomi/From a corrupt political system to Terrorism in the country/From a cunning & ill intended neibour like Pakistan/From a love story to a name it & you will find an excellently written poem in this collection.Enjoy reading it.

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