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11 Customer Reviews

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Balu vaidyanathan 13 years, 5 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion

E-sclepieion by Subramaniam Rangaswami describes one of the crises Modern Medicine is facing in a hypothetical environment of a Chennai superspeciality hospital in 2081 in an extremely satirical manner. From...

Raja Bandaranayake 14 years ago

Re: E-sclepieion

A fascinating book which I had difficulty putting down once I started reading. The world of Hippocrates in his Aesclepian Temple of Healing is turned completely topsy-turvy as the Art...

GEETHA 14 years, 2 months ago

Review - E-sclepieion


Subramoniam Rangaswami has a nice writing style and wishes to put himself in the audience’s shoes – this is evident from the fact that he uses a full 20 pages...

chickko 14 years, 4 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion

The book E-Sclepieion written by Dr.Rangaswami is a fantastic account of what it is likely to be, a century from now as far as the medical practice goes. He beautifully...

CRRajendran 14 years, 5 months ago

No healing without feeling!

The book starts with an excellent note on evolution and life which is an important point of discussion, evident on a subtle note all over the book. What in our...

rashika 14 years, 5 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion by K.P.Geethakrishnan

An interesting, well-written novelette. The author presents a futuristic view of how a hospital is likely to be ‘manned’ and patients treated in just another fifty years time. The narration...

Dhanalakshmi 14 years, 5 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion

'E-sclepieion is an offbeat take on hospital culture, medical systems and remedial practices. Coming from a senior medical specialist gives it the legitimacy which would have otherwise been looked at...

admin 14 years, 6 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion

I was touched by the novel of “E-Sclepieion” and I would like to thank you very much for it. The technocratic civilization can destroy humans, humanity and a humane medicine....

C R Hemalatha 14 years, 6 months ago

E-sclepieion: The Human Way...

This book, in simple words is the need of the hour. Technology grows with time but it digs a grave for all the humane aspects of life. The author convincingly...

CC Kartha 14 years, 6 months ago

Re: E-sclepieion

E- Sclepieion is a delectable portrait of an imaginative hospital of late twenty first century. The book is of a distinct genre, a satirical science fiction. The central character of...

kasy.aiyar 14 years, 6 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: E-sclepieion

The book begins with an introduction to the wonders of modern medicine and surgery - the great scientific advances that have almost eliminated many of the scourges of the past...