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Sujit is currently the head of institutional equities for HSBC, India. He has over twenty-seven years of experience in the financial markets doing macro, strategy, sector and company research and sales as well as investing globally across asset classes. Sujit completed his MBA from the S P Jain Institute of Management & Research in Mumbai in 1993. He is currently based in India after recently returning from Singapore.
A Wall Street View of Rural India is a smorgasbord of thoughts, observations and conclusions drawn from nearly a dozen rural trips conducted by the author over the last eight years, across seven to eight states of India and covering close to a hundred villages. It includes inputs from three hundred to four hundred interviews carried out with various participants of the rural economy. The Indian rural economy employs two-thirds of the population and accounts for half of all consumption. This...
Intuitive wall street of rural
Rural areas are most neglited. Thanks for book. Wallstreet of flrural