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Yoganandaji's Original Kriya Group Discussion & Questions - Answers (A4 Size)

Swami Yogananda
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: Hindi, English
Price: ₹645 + shipping
Price: ₹645 + shipping
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ये ग्रुप का हेतु ग्रूपके नाम से ही स्पष्ट है। जब आपको गुरुजीने भारत में 1935-36 में जो लेसन्स बनाकर दिए थे उनमें से क्रियायोग के लेसन्स पढ़कर आप साधना करेंगें तब आपको अनुभव होगा। मैं ये क्रिया लेसन्स 2008-09 से देता रहा हूँ। सैंकड़ो क्रियासाधकों ने उस समय से उन लेसन्स में बताई गई क्रिया चालू कर दी हैं और वे लोग बहुत बड़ा फर्क महसूस कर रहे हैं। दो तीन दिनमें जितने आने वाले हैं वे आ जाएंगे तब लेसन्स दूंगा।

कृपया इस ग्रुप में सिर्फ SRF/YSS से क्रियायोग में दीक्षित ही रहें।

The purpose of this group is clear from the name of the group itself. When you do sadhna after reading the lessons of Kriya Yoga prepared by Guruji in India in 1935-36, then you will experience. I have been giving these Kriya lessons since 2008-9. Hundreds of Kriya Sadhaks have since started the Kriyas...

About the Author

Paramhansa Yogananda was born as Mukund Lal Ghosh (also known as Swami Yogananda) in a Bengali Hindu family on January 5, 1893 in Gorakhpur, India. He showed signs of spiritual awareness even as a young child. His quest to find a great Guru to guide him in his spiritual path led him to Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, who molded the young man who was to become a great spiritual force. After his college graduation in 1915, he took formal vows and was from that time on called Swami Yogananda Giri. Then in 1935, when he returned to India to visit his Guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri bestowed upon him the title of "Paramhansa." The "supreme swan," of which this title is named after, is a mythological bird that can separate water from milk and drink the milk.

The book begins with his childhood and family life, then finding his...

Book Details

Publisher: Swami Yogananda
Number of Pages: 392
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Yoganandaji's Original Kriya Group Discussion & Questions - Answers (A4 Size)

Yoganandaji's Original Kriya Group Discussion & Questions - Answers (A4 Size)

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