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Type: Print Book
Genre: Reference
Language: English
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Object diary is a simple diary that helps users to note down various objects at home and their respective locations.

Most of the common objects are covered in this Diary. There are also custom categories in the diary where users can make their own categories and index the objects under them and store the information about their location.

There is an alphabetical index, where the objects are listed under the respective alphabet. Some of the common objects are already listed in the index. Users can note down the location of the object after the name of the object. Users can write down any new object under the respective alphabet and note down its location.

It is not necessary to index all the objects at home. Objects that are easily found can be skipped and note down only those objects that are stored in some place.

We can store the objects in named boxes, trays or bags and mention that in the location info along with where the box or tray or bag is located. If we do not use boxes or trays with numbers, then we can directly mention where the object is located, For example, if the printer cartridge is kept in table in the bedroom, then you can directly mention that in the Object Directory.

So, we can find the location of the object in two ways. For example, we can find the location of the Scissors, by looking it up under the alphabet S, or we can look it up under the category “Stationery items” which has the list of all the ST 1, ST 2 , ST 3 boxes and the objects stored in them.

These simple indexing methods will help us to organize and store the various objects at home and enable us to easily find them when we need them!

Book Details

Number of Pages: 83
Dimensions: Letter/A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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