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(1 Review)

Lockdown Musings

A solo sojourn
Tania Saritova Rath
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹179 + shipping
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The author has penned her fictional musings during the pandemic scenario of Covid 19, locked down at home like never before. These are thirteen short stories set in the backdrop of lock down, home quarantine, reduced movement, the associated anxiety, and fear amidst daily rising world meter of Covid 19 statistics.Day to day experiences of the ordinary people, their trials and tribulations were captured and described in a lucid way which compels the reader to sit up and reflect. The write up is in a reflective observation style with few characters. The stories are woven around the happenings in the unusual scenario of a pandemic attack from the perspective of an individual. Some of the stories also unfold as philosophical musings of the main character.

About the Author

Dr Tania Saritova Rath was a senior banker turned to academics. At present she works as a Professor at Xavier University, Bhubaneswar.

Book Details

Publisher: self
Number of Pages: 87
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Lockdown Musings

Lockdown Musings

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1 Customer Review

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Tania 4 years ago Verified Buyer

The Solo's introspective reflection

Each sojourn is a motivation in itself to move on. But some sojourns cling on to the mind and body like a still fountain or a static mountain and never allow the being to go ahead. Rather they engrave deep impressions which metamorphose into beautiful literary creations. Tania’s Solo Sojourn is a wonderful stop over to celebrate life in its myriad manifestations. Lockdown of the locality and staying inside home for days together for sine die was not so easy to carry on. She was just trying to define the stand still position of life, when she heard a melodious tune from her inner self…! .The thirteen episodes of ‘A Solo Sojourn’ have magnificently captured the sensation of the readers who sail through the narrative flow smoothly but breathlessly from one end to the other at one stroke. A must read to venture into the familiar world of one’s own existence.........
Sanjukta Dash, Poet

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