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Rongarh aru eyar amar bakhindahokol

Tanuj Handique
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: Assamese
Price: ₹299 + shipping
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Zune returns to Rongarh after two decades; his native kingdom where the people once didn't have to wait for peace and happiness to come, knock at their doors; because they were already surrounded by it. He doesn't remember anything about the place, neither about his family; just apart from uncle Raipratap. He finally meets his mother Joya, about whom he had an impression that she betrayed his father and everyone in the kingdom and ran away. Aunt Avoru reveals the untold to him and tells him the awful truth which caused her to leave the kingdom, and the fact that she isn't a human, which makes him a half human that even he wasn't aware of; and when he comes to know about his sister Kanaka, he can't hold his patience any longer to meet them. They both are inhabitants of their own hidden kingdom which exists within the...

About the Author

Tanuj Handique is a native of Sivasagar district, Assam. He has been inspired by the works of many renowned as well as obscure authors, their stories across genres, and was motivated to write his first story, a novella ‘In the seasons of blooming night jasmine’ in 2017 when he was in corporate. It's a general fiction; a story of love, nature, crime, and a mystery. He's been writing since then. Currently he's self employed, and he has been active in several authors’ groups. ‘Rongarh and the extant souls’ is his first novel, a historical fiction (fantasy).

Book Details

ISBN: 9789354450587
Number of Pages: 234
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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