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Silken Wings

Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹245
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In Silken Wings, Dr Jane Rajesh, writing under her evocative pen name, Thalir, crafts an anthology that soars on the gossamer threads of love, longing, and transcendence. In the words of Rainer Maria Rilke, “The only journey is the one within,” and Thalir invites us on such a journey—into the labyrinthine corridors of memory, the spectral hush of night’s embrace, and the delicate tremors of unspoken yearning.
Thalir’s voice is an essential one in contemporary poetry—at once personal and universal, intimate and boundless. To read Thalir’s poetry is to step into a dreamscape where time collapses and emotions are distilled to their purest essence. There is an ineffable yearning woven through these pages, akin to Keats’s “tender is the night,” a longing that exists both within and beyond the self.
A significant leitmotif in this collection is nature’s omnipresence—trees, stars, the moon, rain, and the wind appear as interlocutors, lovers,...

About the Author

Thalir* is the pseudonym adopted by Dr Jane Rajesh, the Indian English poet from Tamil Nadu. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Sarah Tucker College. A passionate teacher with a pleasing disposition and a melodious voice, Thalir finds delight in the little harmonies of life, literature, and Nature. She has more than ten years of teaching experience; she has excelled as a researcher as well, with many publications to her credit. Her ebullience and exuberance are often contagious. For her students and the literary coterie around, she is a well-spring of inspiration and insight. Humble and honest, serene and sweet, Thalir draws her inspiration from Nature and at times from her beloved friends and family.
*The Tamil word ‘Thalir’ means a fresh sprout.

Address for Correspondence
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli – 627002
Email: | Mobile: 94870 58291

Book Details

ISBN: 9798895410868
Publisher: AIFEST International
Number of Pages: 66
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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