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Grief and Spiritual Healing: Surviving Life After Loss

Todd Perelmuter
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹289 + shipping
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Grief. No matter how strong we are, no one is truly prepared for it. When we least expect it, grief rips the floor out from under us. There is truly no greater catastrophe in life, and yet it is something nearly all of us will go through. It is our own personal war that will eventually take everyone we know and love.

While grief may seem like an unthinkable tragedy that no one can relate to, many have gone down this path before us. Our ancestors found great wisdom in grief. Ancient cultures and tribes from around the world have found comfort in the unimaginable, peace in the chaos, and light amidst the darkness.

In Grief and Spiritual Healing, Todd Perelmuter shares his own journey through grief. He shares how he made it through, the practices that have been passed down for millennia that can guide us in these uncertain times, and how our lives can become monuments to those we lost.

We never get over loss. We never forget our loved ones. But we can move forward in a new way, one that keeps their memory alive, that honors our loved ones, and that recognizes nothing can ever truly be lost.

In this book, Todd

How to Fight the Grief MonsterHow to Be Okay With Feeling Not OkayHow to Fight Regrets That Come With LossHow to Not Be Afraid of Life After LossHow to Deal With the Loss of Faith That Comes With DeathHow to Deal With the Loneliness That Comes From LossHow to Overcome the Meaninglessness That Accompanies LossHow to Face the Impermanence of LifeHow to Come Out of Darkness and Into the Light How to Give Yourself Spiritual Therapy
Hope this book will bring you and your loved ones some comfort and peace in these difficult times.

About the Author

Todd Perelmuter is a spiritual writer and speaker on the nature of the human mind. He has impacted the lives of millions worldwide through his teachings in the award-winning spiritual documentary, Aloneness to Oneness.

He shares the wisdom from his spiritual journey spanning 9 years, 5 continents, and 35 countries living with shamans, gurus, monks and tribes. He studied over 16 religions and spiritualities, and spent 50 days meditating alone in the forest, all in an effort to discover the secrets to a peaceful mind.

Book Details

Publisher: Macaque Books
Number of Pages: 137
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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