The book goes more deeply on Kashmir affairs and other sundry topics on various important historical issues. It includes topics on the history of Kashmir starting from the beginning of the 14th century through the present times. It contains some topics on the broader knowledge of the Universe, Man, and Evolution. The book consists of chapters on the events that led to the Kargil conflict and Pokhran-II issues. There are topics on Spiritual and Scientific temper and an exhaustive commentary on the important work of Shaivism. Some topics in this book are based on the importance of the sages and mystic poets for the development of the Indian Civilization. The book is comprehensive, knowledge-based, and research-oriented useful for teachers, scholars, students, and the general public.
Triloki Nath Dhar (1930-2022) was born in Kashmir, J & K, India. He graduated in science from Punjab in 1948 and received a degree in Indology from Sharda Peeth Research Centre, Srinagar, as approved by Dr Tuci of Rome. In the past, he was a journalist and a theological preacher through religious organizations. For one, he gave lectures on the Bhagwat Geeta (Bhagavad-Gita) through the auspices of the Vedic Bhavan during 1972 to 1974. Mr Dhar is an author of short romances, tales, and collections of essays, as well, a theory of Cosmological Physics which he had included in a ‘romantic fiction’ novel which was apparently confirmed fourteen years later by a US space satellite’s discovery of a particularly massive cloud of gas and dust. It was a possible indication that the expanding universe might eventually reverse toward collapse. He was formerly a member of several author’s organizations. Mr Dhar’s various public service efforts have included service from 1946 to 1948 as secretary of the Students’ Federation and in the Volunteer Corps; he was general secretary of the Bhokhatkeshwar Bhairov Nath Trust in Srinagar from 1972 through 1976, and general secretary of the All-India Saraswat Cultural Organisation from 1972 through 1981. He had declined some awards offered, for personal reasons. His published works include Theory of Creativity (1961), Tale of a Soviet Biologist (1961), A Bunch of Short Romances (l963), Origin of Saraswat Aryans (1976), Rupa Bhawani (Life, Teachings and Philosophy) (1977), Concept of I(1982), The Cascades (1983), a collection of poems, The Holy Virgin (an epic fragment), Inspiration in the North- East (2001), The story of Kashmir Affairs and the sundry topics(2013), The Battered Hindu(2014).
Publisher: Mohini Publications
Number of Pages: 151
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Paperback (Perfect Binding)
In Stock (Print on Demand)
Nice book to read.
The book uncovers the history of kashmir, Kashmir shaivism and saints,kargil saga, and many more such interesting events