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Jack Glacus and the diamond sword

Jack Glacus and the diamond sword

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Srinivas velivela 6 years, 9 months ago

Re: Jack Glacus and the diamond sword

Very fantastic book with simple narration... when i am reading i enjoyed very well...vamsi krishna you have done a grt job ...waiting for next series bro...

keerthi vadali 6 years, 9 months ago

Re: Jack Glacus and the diamond sword

Very fascinating book with excellent narration. Really just loved it. Waiting for the second book in the series. All the best for your success. This is an example of pure imagination with a good knowledge in the Greek mythology. Really stunning description.

Krish123 6 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Jack Glacus and the diamond sword

This is a magnificent story inviting a new world from another dimension. I simply loved the narration.i was not able to stop my excitement while I was reading. To me the best characters in the book is Sophia. After Rick Riordan the second person to introduce Greek mythology in a new way. Being a student he managed the book very well. Waiting for the second part eagerly