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Techniques For Customer Satisfaction

Vidya Vellala, Rupa Vellala, Padma Vellala
Type: Print Book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹350 + shipping
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Every Business needs Customer Support. After encountering, any
issue/problem customers immediately visit the website of the company
to get help. They will fret when they do not find any mechanism for
Customer Support. Businesses spend a lot of money on advertising
for Customer Acquisition. Customer retention is as important for
businesses as Customer Acquisition.
Research shows that the probability of selling to an existing customer
is 60 to 70% while the probability of selling to a new customer is 5 to
20%. Also, the probability of acquiring new customers is 70% costlier
than retaining an existing customer.

About the Authors

Vidya Vellala
Rupa Vellala
Padma Vellala

Book Details

Number of Pages: 116
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Techniques For Customer Satisfaction

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