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Upgrade Your Mindset

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Tap Your Potential
Vinita Bansal
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹599
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Build a growth mindset for life.

Most people don't think about their mindset when they set out to improve. They set goals and take actions to achieve those goals without considering the mindset that can hold them back. In Upgrade Your Mindset, Vinita Bansal reveals how even a small change in mindset can have a tremendous impact on how you make decisions, act, and ultimately the life you lead. She delves into psychology and neuroscience to help you think differently and take control over your personal and professional challenges.

The book will guide you to recognize your fixed mindset triggers and apply practical strategies to turn them around with a growth mindset thinking. It comes with 19 downloadable and printable worksheets to practice the strategies and easily apply them to your daily work and life. Written as a how-to guide and a personal workbook, you'll be able to integrate the lessons from the book more deeply.

Learn how to:

• Let go of fear and self-doubt to lead with courage and possibilities.
• Achieve remarkable results with the motivation to improve in the future.
• Get back on track when you get off-course with challenges and setbacks.
• Shape your identity to redefine who you are in the world.
• Stay real by cultivating self-compassion instead of chasing after high self-esteem.
• Craft your vision and plan of action to achieve your goals and bridge the gap.
...and much more.

Most importantly, you'll learn to put these ideas into practice in real life by establishing a deeper understanding of how mindset works and learn to build a growth mindset in a methodical and systematic way with practical exercises.

Whether you are hoping to change your own mindset, or you are a manager, coach, or teacher wanting to inspire change in others, Upgrade Your Mindset offers invaluable, research-backed strategies to reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools you need to transform your mindset that lead to remarkable results.

Get ready to take control of your life with the realization that you have supreme power over the choices you make. You aren't born to be a certain way. You can be the architect of your own life.

About the Author

Vinita Bansal is the founder of TechTello. She has a vast amount of experience in the technology space building large engineering teams from the ground up and leading products with massive scale impacting millions of customers. Her experience and knowledge have helped her coach and mentor people from diverse backgrounds to build the skills and support required to grow in their careers and feel confident to take on higher-level responsibilities within their organizations.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789355263322
Publisher: Self Published
Number of Pages: 261
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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