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Software Quality Assurance is a specialized activity and it contributes in building capable processes in organization. This book details the different knowledge areas and provides practical insight which is required for software quality analyst to quickly grasp and start being productive within days, and contributes to build such capable processes. This book details the basics of quality assurance, relevant techniques and methods used in quality assurance.
What is in there?
• A quick description of various knowledge areas in software quality assurance
• Frequently used tools and techniques in Software quality assurance
• Sample cases to understand the concepts
Why this book?
• A simple ready recknor for SQA
• Mix of pragmatic and theoretical elaborations
• Industry specific and current needs of Industry is taken care
• Short book for quick read
Who should read?
• People who are interested in making a career in software quality assurance
• Who are interested in understanding Quality assurance
• Who are leading...
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