Ratings & Reviews

Indians in Pakistan

Indians in Pakistan

(4.75 out of 5)

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20 Customer Reviews

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Tina Pai 9 years, 2 months ago

Indians in Pakistan - The Book that thrills

Indians in Pakistan is a lot like those close matches in the IPL or cricket world cup. It thrills the reader as if a batsman has hit a last ball six. there is suspense, action and lots of excitement throughout. A real must read.

vinay r. pereira 9 years, 4 months ago

Scary Truths

This book reveals scary truths. I recommend it to all. It is definitely not a niche novel as Terrorism affects each one of us in today's world.

Bunty SIngh 9 years, 7 months ago

A superb story based on the boiling issues of terrorism and communal violence

Indian Authors are the finest in the world and Vivek Pereira is as good as or even better than Charles Dickens. He weaves a superb story based on the boiling issues of terrorism and communal violence.

Rani Quereshi 9 years, 7 months ago

Exciting and Informative Work

Indians in Pakistan is for all those who love their world and the people in it. It's an action thriller on terrorism. No regrets after buying it. It provided me with loads of info on history and geography of India, Pakistan and South Asia.

vinay pereira 9 years, 7 months ago

Re: Indians in Pakistan - A bird's eye view of Indian History

If you're looking out for a rollercoaster ride, then this book provides a big dose of it. Not meant for the faint-hearted, it gives you a good birds eye look at the history of the Indian subcontinent and tackles major issues in the form of a breath-taking novel.

Akmal Qasim 9 years, 9 months ago

Mixed Emotions

I had mixed feelings while reading a copy of your book "Indians in Pakistan," which I purchased from Pothi.com. It was scintillating at some stages but it gets a bit difficult to keep a track of all the characters in the novel. There are just too many characters lying around the place.

Vivek Pereira 9 years, 9 months ago Verified Buyer

Reviews for Indians in Pakistan

I would like to thank Allan and all my other readers for their support and good wishes. A self published writer needs support of his or her fans. Thanks a ton to all of you.

Allan Rego 9 years, 10 months ago

Genuine REviews

There was a typo in the previous review. Now corrected.- No, Vivek. These Reviews are definitely genuine as we respect your efforts and wonderful writing style. Many of us who knew you before you became a writer, are proud of you and your works. I hope the others don't mind me speaking on behalf of all of them. LOL

NeetuSharma 9 years, 10 months ago

Re: Indians in Pakistan

It's an action thriller on terrorism. No regrets after buying it. It provided me with loads of info on history and geography of India, Pakistan and South Asia. It's for all those who love their world and the people in it,

Reny Chatterjee 9 years, 10 months ago

Reaches out to all kinds of readers

Vivek Pereira's Indians in Pakistan reaches out to readers of all hues - politicians, victorian era fans, current affair afficianados, international bookworms, those interested in the history of the subcontinent and kashmiris even

Ram Seth 10 years, 3 months ago

Indians in Pakistan - The Best Novel

Yes it is undisputably the Best Indian Novel by the best Indian writer. Everyone should have a copy of this incredible book. It is available on many other sites besides Pothi.com.

Priti Varsha 10 years, 3 months ago

Misleading Title

Although I simply love the book, I think the title is quite misleading. I first taught that the book was about cricket players from India playing tests or so in Pakistan. It was only when i began reading it further that it became clear crystal-like that it was about terrorists from India who had sneaked across the border for terror training in Pakistan.

ISIWatch 10 years, 9 months ago

A book with a bold perspective

Indians in Pakistan takes one down memory lane to a time when India had just attained its Independence. I, however, comes back to teh present and explains the evil unleashed by the cruel ISI on hapless Indians citizen. Once again, kudos to the author!

Sanket Chand 10 years, 10 months ago

Quite a Thriller

Yes, Indians in Pakistan is quite a thriller. The action does not stop as claimed by the author, Vivek Pereira. It's a lot of fun, and there's quite a lot of drama too.

jane Lee 10 years, 11 months ago

Indians in Pakistan - Jihadi Fiction at its best

Yes, Indians in Pakistan is Jihadi Fiction at its best. This new genre is fast becoming popular with avid readers. As a literary agent, I think it will be one of the most viable ones as terrorism continuously raises its ugly head and spreads mayhem worldwide...and I'm a literary agent worth my salt!