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Indians in Pakistan

Indians in Pakistan

(4.75 out of 5)

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20 Customer Reviews

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Jacques Langer 10 years, 11 months ago

An Altogether Different Book: Indians in Pakistan

Jihadi novels are here to stay. I think Mukul Deva and Vivek Pereira are the masters of this genre or sub-genre. Waiting for Lashkar to hit the screen. All the other Indian authors are way too far behind. Kudos to the both of you.

RSS Rocks 10 years, 11 months ago

Re: Indians in Pakistan - A Pseudo secularist's outlook

Thanks for mentioning the RSS in your novel 'Indians in Pakistan.' The preview is good and that's why I am giving it a good rating. But please go in for a new edition removing all references to the RSS. Please treat this as a carrot - the stick may follow suit. ha ha ha.

John Saigull 10 years, 11 months ago

Re: Indians in Pakistan

There seems to be already a lot of hype and hoopla over this novel. And no wonder why! I read it and-yes, it's controversial, but written really well. Congratulations to the author on writing such a masterpiece. It's quite racy and action-packed as claimed.

Sir James 10 years, 12 months ago

Indians in Pakistan - A Thumbs Down

Here's a thumbs down to this "exciting novel." I am giving it a rating of 3 and it doesn't even deserve that. Not that the writings of any contemporary Indian writers deserve anything above 2. Vikram Seth, Chetan Bhagat, Amish Tripathi, Vivek Pereira...they all suck! Now there are so many interesting novels out there. Just why would anybody want to read a Vivek Pereira or a Chetan Bhagat?

sunilpeters 11 years ago

Indians in Pakistan - A true classic

I just finished reading this novel. Found it through a random search on Pothi. It's really cool and it covers every aspect of terrorism. It clearly exposes the role of the ISI in creating trouble in the region and the world at large. Kudos to the author for a job well done!