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Tot to Teen

Yashodhara P
Type: Print Book
Genre: Children, Parenting & Families
Language: English
Price: ₹280 + shipping
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In this book, I tried to mention what foods are good for children. How to take care of their teeth etc. The stories are very simple for toddlers.
The Teen part of the book must be read by parents as well. Many stories, you may find of other faith, but human beings grow by knowing and accepting the good thing of others. While writing some of the extracts for teens, I tried to put some value-based stories. These stories are the experience of a teacher. Some stories show how love and affection work for teens. A little trust can change their life. One of the stories is about the information of wood apple. Some people may not know the fruit, but I wanted to show the world the medicinal value of the wood apple. The last story is about a dwarf who I found in my dream. In this...

About the Author

Being a teacher for thirty years in school and B.Ed college, Yashodhara has written many books. Every time she thinks that this story is very nearer to her heart. Published are fifteen books to her credit. These books are fiction, non-fiction, memoir, Ghost Stories, book on poems, School grammar books, and Education books for B.Ed students. Two books are translated into Gujarati. Three books are in Bengali. The “Tot to Teen” is her first Children's and Good parenting & families Book. A motivational book is coming soon. The author can be contacted at or 9223303196

ISBN: 978-1-63754-125-8
Price: Rs.350/

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637541258
Publisher: Self published
Number of Pages: 147
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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