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The Way of Spiritual Encouragement

Zacharias Tanee Fomum
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹399 + shipping
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A message of love, hope, and restoration.
This book is an exaltation of the grace and greatness of the God who has marvelous plans for believers and backsliders alike.

The book also presents God’s gracious provision for a life full of the Holy Spirit. In reading it, you will realise that the sadness and frustrations of some believers today are due to their lack of knowledge or understanding of what God does or can do. Many believers fix their gaze on their accomplishments; what the author calls, a man-centered theology.

The message in this book can produce in you what it produced in the author, Z.T. Fomum, for he writes “my personal faith in Him grew as I wrote this book. I was deeply comforted to know that God is so good, so loving and so gracious. My desire is to love Him more and more.”

It’s a message of...

About the Author

Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum was born in the flesh on 20th June 1945 and became born again on 13th June 1956. On 1st October 1966, He consecrated his life to the Lord Jesus and to His service, and was filled with the Holy Spirit on 24th October 1970. He was taken to be with the Lord on 14th March, 2009.

Pr Fomum was admitted to a first class in the Bachelor of Science degree, graduating as a prize winning student from Fourah Bay College in the University of Sierra Leone in October 1969. At the age of 28, he was awarded a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry by the University of Makerere, Kampala in Uganda. In October 2005, he was awarded a Doctor of Science (D.Sc) by the University of Durham, Great Britain. This higher doctorate was in recognition of his distinct contributions to scientific knowledge through research. As a...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781310447709
Publisher: ZTF Books Online
Number of Pages: 164
Dimensions: 5.25"x8.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Way of Spiritual Encouragement

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