Program in Java to insert big number of the form factorial n digitwise in array to work with
Programs in Java to add and subtract big numbers
Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning for all competitive exams- Practice Questions
Quantitative Techniques Volume II
Quantitative Techniques Volume III
Quantitative Techniques Volume IV
Quantitative Techniques Volume V
Quantitative Techniques Volume-I
Range, Qaurtile deviation and Mean Deviation
Rebirth of the Electron: Electromagnetism
RMO Solved Problems for ISI, CMI
RSA-1024 Number factor probable solution
Simple Equation & Algebraic Expressions
SKP's Winning In Online Skilled Gaming... Err.. Gambling
Solved Paper Quantitative Techniques/Methods January 2011
Solved Paper Quantitative Techniques/Methods July 2009, January 2010 , July 2010
Some Theorem on Fermat numbers